


The Wheel is a new community/lifestyle website created for wheelchair users, their friends, families and related associations. Launched in February 2009 by Grant Logan, a paraplegic wheelchair user and his life long friend Pete Kirtley, The Wheel Life will provide a forum to connect wheelchair users across the world and encourage people to see what is still achievable in life. Excited by the explosion of community networking sites around the globe but frustrated by the limitations of their search facilities, Grant & Pete decided to build their own website dedicated to the large community that lives their lives on four wheels.

The Wheel Life’s aim is to be a community based website for anyone living in or around a wheelchair. It’s for you the user, your friends, family, carers, charities, sports clubs, manufacturers and basically anyone that has to deal with these contraptions. As the site grows we hope to become a useful resource of information for all of us to use, be it from holiday info to where to buy your next scooter or where you’re local wheelchair friendly fishing club is. The potential of the site is to bring every wheelchair user together from every town, city and country in the world. Check out the already bulging UK guide at

Grant continues “ Becoming a wheelchair user for many people can be a very difficult experience so we want to give people the confidence to venture out into the world again and regain their independence, have fun and maybe even do things they have never done before” is completely free to join and has all the features that you’d expect such as groups, blogs, photo albums and a forum to share and discuss life and experiences.

The site has a number of unique features also such as the ability to post ‘Whats on and where’ listings that give the low-down on events and locations that wheelchair users can visit and take part in. Members can also post sale and wanted classified ad’s which are free.


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